Friday, 27 July 2012

 Primary evidence: What life was really like in London for a child like Willie.


  1. There has been a comment about commenting on this blog, so I thought I should just comment to comment that that comment has been commented on. :) Otherwise, I'd also like to comment that I've read this article and found it very interesting and couldn't stop reading until I reached the end.

    1. Thanks for the witty repartee LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed the reading. x

  2. I find it amazing that in the midst of a war, and soon after, kiddies can use the sites that had been hit by bombs and such, to play and explore in as though everything is/was okay. This makes me marvel at the wonders of a child's innocence and imagination, no matter what the circumstances... What if society has potentially ruined the way kids used to play in the open streets? Without a care in the world, keeping amazingly entertained by finding things, anything, and making it into something fun...When now all we do is play computer games and watch TV. What are OUR kids going to do for fun? And will they ever be able to appreciate nature's astounding serenity? Or will they frown at you as if you're mad when you suggest they build a little tree house in the back yard for the fun of it?

    1. Oh so true, Candice! We should all make an effort to encourage young children to play like this, to keep it going. I wonder how many of your class have experienced such carefree play? Let's ask in class!

  3. Wow, where to start! First of all, the thing that stood out for me the most was how the English people still celebrated things like Guy Fawkes and Christmas, even while their country was at war. This shows how the British made the best of things, no matter how bad it got. I also love how the kids played games together, and that they didn’t need toys to have fun. The stories showed me that children will always be children, no matter what is going on around them. They can make use of anything, and add a touch of imagination you can create some interesting games. It made me realize the things Willie missed out on when his mother said he couldn’t go out and play. He missed out on all the fun and laughter, while he had to sit indoors and be good. Little boys are supposed to be outside in the sunshine, running around and playing. Willie couldn’t just be himself. (sarah)

    1. haha, sorry about the name...didn't want to change, so I'm now 'cooking for kids' :)

    2. Sarah, yes, it is a very difficult thing to imagine, isn't it? How could a mother be so cruel? Unfortunately, it does happen. Let's see what Mr Tom manages to put right in his bruised life. :)

  4. hi everyone :) its Caitlin......I'm writing off of Jessica's profile because it seems i'm having trouble with me own email address. what i really found interesting about the articles was first the article about the children that made their bow and arrows with their pocket money...(poor children)>. i cant believe that their targets were other kids, dogs and cats.... It sounds like they had a lot of fun though. I found it so funny that they shot arrows in the air for some reason and sadly at the end they couldn't afford to buy more.In the other article it shows that children weren't really aware of the war and played shooting with eachother which they enjoyed.............

  5. Hey:) well what i found extremely amazing in one article was that many children would decided that they wanted to play football, yet they didnt even have one. So they either used tin cans or a school cap! i was shock because even though a war was happening they argued and played like they hadn't a care in the world...or at least thats how i understood it:)

  6. I found it quite amazing to that children could enjoy themselves even in those time of danger. And how they an enjoy themselves as if it is a normal day i mean if it was me in those days i probably would have freaked out, an dnever come out of the house. so that is what i found really fascinating

  7. This is from ESTHER...

    What I thought of the articles was the scary facts that
    that became a reality for the children of London. The dangers of
    playing was somewhat normal, but it would be considered extremely
    abnormal for children to grow up and be exposed to those types of
    surroundings nowadays. I also felt a bit saddened on the article about
    the boy and the fact that children weren't and didn't have the
    privilege of having more than a few sets of clothing. it was good to
    see that people made the best of what they had.

  8. I thought it was really brave of the kids to go to play in that circumstance.If it were me,i would be afriad to go outside.I also found it interesting that the children used whatever they could find,and made fun out of it.When now no one is willing to go out to play.We would prefer to watch tv,play video game.

  9. i find the outfits that they wore were really adorable! they all look so cute. i am also very surprised that the war didnt scare them as much as it would scare me. if i was them i'd stay indoors 24/7.

  10. I found it amazing that out even in the ruins the children could still have fun. Like when the demolished buildings were used as playgrounds and gutters used to play marbles. I think the children thought that most of it was not even real because I think that if they really knew what was happening they probably wouldn't have even gone out to play. Children even used things that I thought could not be used anymore, the kids used to make toys in order to have fun. I am not sure if I would stay in or if I would go out. I can only find out if I am in that situation.

  11. It's really inspiring to see that the kids made the most of the few things they had. Personally, I'd have a rough time trying to live with the little that they had, but I guess that's what's wrong with the youth of today. We tend to take things for granted and forget how priviledged we actually are.


    1. I really enjoyed the articles on what children did in London during the WW2. They helped me understand what life was like in London during that distressing period. It also explains the book (Goodnight Mister Tom, I advise you to read it) quite well, and what Willie's mom forbid him to do. It is quite interesting to see how the London kids made the best of their circumstances. They used what the war destroyed to make their toys, they played at bomb sites, and continued with their cheerful games. I am sure they helped the grown-ups to look at life a little more positively with their innocent, yet understanding and cheerful attitudes. They were truly a blessing to London during WW2. xxx Annika

  12. Isn't it wonderful how no matter where you put little children ,whether it be a town in midst of war or a playground, they can always make fun for themselves. It's a pity that teenagers don't have the same ability to see the positive side of life without even trying. I personally wish that we could all stay young and carefree forever however what is alarming is that we become affected by the troubles of the world at a much younger age than in this period of time. I think this may be because kids are trying to grow up at a very young age. Children aren't being treated as children anymore rather the children determaine where the family go on a Sunday afternoon. I wonder if the reason children appreciate the simple things in life less and less is because they have now become aware of a much more ellaborate and complicated world.

  13. Im realy intrested in this i enjoyed reading it and i red all the way to the end...I love this story its so asinating and i cant wait to find out what happens in the end of the book

  14. forgot to add this to my last comment so ill comment it now :D i would of loved to be there with the kids exploring the old battl grounds i would have a blast from the past(get it)...iv always wanted to do that
